北川マキ子/Makiko Kitagawa

愛知県を拠点に活動し国内外で作品発表をしているアーティスト。視覚から文学的な概念を構築し、メディアに限定されない静謐な写真作品で試みを行う。モノトーンを基調としたコンセプト・ポートレイト作品を主軸に、2017年 「DOJIMA RIVER AWARDS 2017」入選、2018年「 TIFA2018(Tokyo International Foto Awards )」FineArt 部門Bronze賞、2019年「PhotoShoot Awards NUDE 2019」 NATURE WATER Category Award、同年「 TIFA2019(Tokyo International Foto Awards )」FineArt 部門Gold受賞など海外受賞作品多数。

2018年よりインディペイデントレーベル「IDEA ART BOOKS」を設立。以後オリジナル作品を写真集というスタイルで発表を続け、ZINE制作から福祉支援活動にも取りくんでいる。最新作に、ランボオの同名詩集からインスピレーションを得た「L'éternité - 永遠- 」、果ての光景を捉えた「Les Illuminations(イリュミナシオン)」などがある。また、「五感」をコンセプトに執筆や企画編集など独自のメディアを数多く手がけ、東洋思想をベースにヴィジュアル・メディテーションを推奨するセラピストとしても活動中。 

The artist is based in Aichi prefecture, Japan, who has exhibited her work both in Japan and abroad. She creates literary concepts from visuals and experiments with tranquil photographic works not restricted to any medium.

Her conceptual monotone portraits have won many awards overseas.
2017: Accepted for "DOJIMA RIVER AWARDS 2017".
2018: Bronze Prize in the FineArt category of the"TIFA2018 (Tokyo International Foto Awards)"
2019: the NATURE WATER Category Award of the "PhotoShoot Awards NUDE 2019"
Gold Prize in the FineArt Category of the "TIFA2019 (Tokyo International Foto Awards)"

She established an independent label "IDEA ART BOOKS" in 2018. Since then, she has continued to publish her original works in the style of photo books and has been working on projects from ZINE production to welfare support activities. Her latest works include "L'éternité," inspired by the poetry collection of the same title by Ramboo, and "Les Illuminations," which captures scenes from the end of the world. She also writes, plans, and edits many original media based on the concept of "the five senses," and is active as a therapist who recommends visual meditation based on Eastern thought.

2011年 作品展 Galarei Etienne de Causans / Paris
2012年 エキシビジョン「Y」Life deco / 愛知
2013年グループ展 印象派 /愛知
2016年 CENTRAL Photo Contest 2017 入選
2017年 PhotoShoot Awards NUDE 2017入賞
2017年   DOJIMA RIVER AWARDS 2017 入賞
2018年 PhotoShoot Awards NUDE 2018  FINALIST MEN CATEGORY
2018年 CENTRAL Photo Contest 2018  準グランプリ
2018年   TIFA2018(Tokyo International Foto Awards )Bronze2018 /FineArt 
2019年 PhotoShoot Awards NUDE 2019  NATURE WATER Category Award
2019年   TIFA2019(Tokyo International Foto Awards )Gold /FineArt 
2020年 PhotoShoot Awards NUDE 2020 MEN CATEGORY Silver Finalist

​​​​​​​A moment of eternity.When I look at the photos I've taken, I sometimes feel like I'm suffering from memory loss. Why does my heart throb so much? The images of the past in the frame change over time, and with many contradictions, they accumulate as memories of time, even though nothing is really lost.The flow of reality, on the other hand, is in the exact opposite position to the loss of memory. If the rapid renewal of the world overtakes the accumulation of memory, it may be that the image that is no longer able to accumulate memory also loses its own individuality.I've been photographing everyday life and people out of a desire to preserve the memories of a world that may be suddenly lost in some way. In the process of shooting and editing, I arrived at an image in which one memory was photographed from different points of view, creating a gradation of multiple times, and another intersecting space.Then the whole phenomenon, not just the subject, is fragmented and reconstructed.These reconstructed images may be far removed from our perceptions, but I feel that there are complexities and contradictions lurking in them that arise from photography.