時間と空間を超えた密室」をコンセプトとした3部作「ID : N35.36207981」。

「ID:N35.36207981」210cm×210cm 34P×3set 限定20BOX
Tokyo International Foto Awards2018及び、 ShotoShoot Awards NUDE 2019、2021受賞作収録。 
作品ストーリー「Be Naked 」を綴ったカラーパンフレット付属。
The door is open. Spring sunlight spills into his room, and I spend my time there aimlessly. He is always naked. It's easy to take a shower or get ready for sleep, and the situation of photographing someone without any clothing gives me an irresistible sense of freedom. The pleasures remind me of being a child again and give me a trigger to reflect on myself in a new world where a transparent imagination is born. This is a warm and elegant moment that is pleasant to the touch.

The pleasure captivated me. Eventually, in the process of visualizing his true appearance, I began to create situations that made him forget himself and capture the moment of the model in euphoria on camera.
The model knows what it means to be photographed as a nudist. He also knows that what he reveals in front of the camera is the joy of life and beauty.
When he says, "My only pleasure is to leave an image in the reality of the world's life passing by, to forget everything and become the moment itself," he is like an Impressionist artist who deifies light. His long eyelashes make a shadow picture.

However, that romantic and ephemeral world doesn't exist. What he wishes to live in may be an eternal utopia that is endlessly free and ruleless.
He also seems to be trying to explore himself by acting consciously on the camera, knowing that it not only generates nudist communication but also constitutes his identity.

One of the figures nudists worship is the Greek philosopher Diogenes. He lived the simplest life possible to oppose social restrictions. He didn't wear a single piece of clothing. For him, the bliss came when he gave away all his possessions except for a wooden bowl. However, Diogenes was stunned when to see someone drinking water from a spring with his hand. "How stupid I am to have such a luxury! He shouted and smashed the wooden bowl. Since then, Diogenes was no longer bound by anything. This is exactly what I felt when I was shooting. People who routinely practice nudism seem to be free from physical worries. This may be extremely important in today's information-obsessed society. The model seems to be satisfied with the way he is, without stress on his gender, and is confident in his actions. That's why I also cherish his body.

I'm convinced that I'm a nudist in spirit. Because some nice thoughts liberate me.
Benjamin Franklin, a representative figure of the founding of the United States, said that he used to "air bath" by leaving the windows open and exposing his skin to the air to awaken his five senses. He stated that this naked pondering made him stand out in physics and enabled him to invent lightning rods, bifocal lenses, and swimming fins. The poet Walt Whitman, the father of free verse, once predicted nudist activities in this way. "One day, not only will it be nasty to wear clothes, but the time will come when it will be indecent." Such nudist hedonism questions everything in front and advocates romantic ideas to construct its values. Its purity must transform the chaotic thoughts of the times into identity and overcome them into the world of light.

I wonder if we cannot reach Utopia without consciously eliminating the media as a bottomless desire amplification device in today's high-consumption society?
Living a free and unrestrained life, unbound by preconceived notions, is more like Diogenes than our modern society, where people never leave their iPhones, spend all their time on social media, and are bound to searching and comparing answers. What lies beyond the viewfinder, beyond the open door, may be called the manifestation of an overflowing sensibility filled with all the pleasure and the essence of the "naked body" desired by the visual image of the model.
Not pornographic or sensual nudes, but fanciful, cheerful, light-hearted, and free from sexuality, the records are full of positive fascination that sets them apart.


The name of a beautiful boy loved by Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love in Greek mythology. When he died from the lust of the goddesses, the blood flowed from Adonis became an anemone flower. Asteroid 2101 in the Apollo group / Capricornids Alpha meteor shower.

"Hotel Chelsea ROOM 1107"

The Chelsea Hotel in New York, where a photographer Robert Mapplethorpe and Patti Smith lived together. In this room, they created collages, installations, and works using Polaroid cameras, and continued to present taboo, aesthetic, and yet highly accomplished art.

"Bright room or playful view"

"My only pleasure is to leave an image in the reality where the moment of life in the world passes, to forget everything, and to become the moment itself.” He says behind the open door. Like the impressionist painters who freely handled the light.

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